Indus Water Treaty: Challenges and Prospects


  • Shoket Ali Shah abdul Ltif University, Khairpur
  • Amir Ahmed Khuhro Shah abdul Ltif University, Khairpur



Indus Treaty, Pakistan, India, Regional Relations, Water dispute


The growing water scarcity in India and Pakistan and emerging climatic and environmental changes to the Indus basin rivers system are causing a great stress on smoothing working of Indus water treaty 1960. Pakistan Being a lower riparian, facing the issue as to how to reinterpret the Indus Waters Treaty without giving up its water rights. The paper discusses that following the inbuilt constraints of a lower riparian, Pakistan need to adopt a multi-pronged strategy following water rationale to secure its water rights within the scope of the treaty. For this; effective implementation and enhancement of Article VI, VII, constructive diplomatic and political strategy,efficient water uses and sustainable water resource management in Indus-Pakistan.

Author Biographies

Shoket Ali, Shah abdul Ltif University, Khairpur



Institute of Internationnal Relatoins



Amir Ahmed Khuhro, Shah abdul Ltif University, Khairpur



Institute of Internationnal Relatoins




How to Cite

Shoket Ali, & Khuhro, A. A. . (2021). Indus Water Treaty: Challenges and Prospects. PERENNIAL JOURNAL OF HISTORY, 2(2), 131-148.